Chapter 1 일상 생활
Unit 1 일과
01 일어나다 get up, wake up, get out of bed
02 씻다 wash up
03 먹다 eat up, munch on, finish off
04 마시다 drink up
05 입다 put on, have on, dress up
06 벗다 take off, throw off, put off
07 화장하다 make up, put on
08 화장을 지우다 take off, wash off, wipe off
09 잠자리에 들다 go to bed, turn in
10 자다 get to sleep, stay in bed, sleep in
Unit 2 삶과생활
01 살다1 live in, live away from, settle down
02 살다2 live on, feed on, get by
03 이사하다 move to, move into, move out
04 숨쉬다 breathe in, breathe out
05 외식하다 eat out, dine out
06 눕다 lie down, lie on, lie back
07 밤을 새다 sit up, stay up
08 졸다 doze off, nod off, drop off
09 꿈꾸다 dream of, dream about
Unit 3 집안일
01 요리하다 cook up
02 설거지하다 wash up, wash off, wash out
03 청소하다 clean up, clean out
04 닦다 wipe up, mop up
05 정리하다 straighten up, tidy up
06 버리다 throw away, empty out, dispose of
07 빨래하다 wash out
08 빨래를 널다 hang out, spread out, hang up
09 빨래를 걷다 bring in, take in
unit 4 교통
01 타다 get on, get in, hop in
02 타고 가다 go by, go on, go in
03 내리다 get off, get out of
04 운전하다 drive up, drive on, drive away
05 태우다 pick up, take on
06 내려주다 let off, drop off
07 정비하다 tune up
08 주차하다 pull up, pull in, pull over, pull into
09 충돌하다 bump into, run into, run over
10 속도를 내다/속도를 줄이다 speed up / slow down
11 기름을 채우다 fill up, top off
12 조심하다 watch out, look out
Chapter 2 구체적 동작과 추상적 동작
unit 1 동작
01 ~까지 가다 go up to, come up to, walk up to, drive up to
02 ~하러 가다/오다 go for, come for
03 서성거리다 walk around, pace around, hang around
04 돌아가다 go back, get back to, return to
05 잡아당기다/밀어붙이다 pull on / push against
06 운동하다 work out, warm up
07 앉다 sit on, sit by, sit down
08 서다 stand up
09 달리다 run up, run down
unit 2 생각
01 ~을 생각하다 think about , think of
02 곰곰이 생각하다 think over, dwell on, mull over
03 간주하다 think of A as B, look upon A as B
04 생각해 내다 come up with, think up, hit on
05 상의하다 talk over, consult about
06 믿다 believe in, trust in, count on
07 구분/구별하다 tell A from B, distinguish A from B, know A from B
08 분리/분류하다 separate from, sort out, classify as
09 오해하다 mistake A for B
unit 3 감각
01 보다 look at
02 올려다보다/내려다보다 look up / look down
03 빤히 쳐다보다 stare at, gaze at
04 힐끔 쳐다보다 glance at
05 외면하다 look away from, turn away from
06 구경하다 look on, stand by, take in
07 회상하다 look back on, flash back to
08 잘 듣다 listen up, hear out
09 엿듣다 listen in on
unit 4 감정
01 진정하다 calm down, cool down, settle down
02 털어버리다 laugh off, brush off
03 동정하다 feel for, sympathize for
04 갑자기 감정을 터뜨리다 burst into
05 웃다 smile at, laugh at
06 불평하다 complain about, grumble about
07 비난하다 blame A for B, criticize A for B, accuse A of B
unit 5 기타
① 선택하다 pick out, opt for
② 결정하다 make up one’s mind, come to a decision
③ 고집하다 stick to, cling to, hold on to, adhere to
④ 준비하다 prepare for
⑤ 성공하다 succeed in, manage to
⑥ 실패하다 fail in, mess up, fall through
⑦ 괴롭히다 make fun of, pick on
⑧ 계속하다 go on, carry on, keep on
⑨ 나타나다 show up, turn up
⑩ 자랑하다 show off, boast about
Chapter 3 커뮤니케이션
unit 1 인사
01 우연히 만나다1 run into, bump into
02 우연히 만나다2 run across, come across
03 안부를 묻다 ask about, inquire about
04 소식을 듣다 hear from, hear of
05 소개하다 introduce A to B, present A to B
06 ~ 출신이다 come from, be from
07 초대하다 invite to, ask over
08 대접하다 treat to, roll out the red carpet
09 감사하다 than